One on Friday: Tokyo Fashion


Everyone knows Tokyo and Japan are two major referencies in fashion, style and inovation.
Everyone knows Japan is unique, there is anime, manga, big lighting billboards, super high buildings... oh I could go on for ages!

Well is this lovely website where everyday, at least one picture of japanese street fashion style is posted for our entertaiment. And thank God for it. You really can see how fashion can be anything you want and not what big clothing brands tries to tell you, no...
Mixing colors, fabrics, textures, everything is allowed, there are no rules, limits or bunderies in Tokyo Fashion Style. A great daily inspiration for us, eastern folks!

A quick note! This website makes me feel like I'm a normal person and not 'freak and against all odes' girl! You will feel it to!
Check also their blog
and twitter pics: for tasty sushi pics.


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