

Recently (actually this have been going on for a few years now) I was 'targeted' of a few unwanted contacts and I even shared some of those contacts/conversations on my facebook and Instagram.
By doing this, I was perfectly aware I was putting myself at higher risk because those who contact virtually women obviously have serious mental problems and I, as woman, need to protect myself.
I also was contacted by my own sister concerned about my security... Which I totally understand, I would feel the same about her!
But overall and what I realized, women are always under attacked, they feel they need to protect themselves and there is a sense of silence among women.
After I shared that post, other women came forward and they also shared their personal experiences.
Apparently women are targeted virtually and physically just because they are women.
I fell a victim, I'm pretty sure others feel that way.
Just to explain some of those contacts, messages, videos, etc, were made after I shared information about things about the charity where I'm volunteer.
Nowadays I do artistic nude and I'm pretty aware this target me even more. But I will not stop doing it because of that.
Normally I blocked those men but I always get the feeling that its not enough... Maybe that guy will contact other woman and do the same thing and maybe that woman is not so mentally strong as I'm.
But I decided I will not be scared, I will not stop to do what I want because some random guy decide to send me pictures of his genitals.
I will not live under fear!
This behave - of these type of men - is not acceptable, but they do it because they feel nothing will be done or they will not be punished. And they try to blame women on top of everything!
And women tend to not talk about it and somehow is an attack and leaves marks on us. Women should be able to get help to relief the pain and trauma, because this cause trauma! Really do!
I did some search and the information about this cases is non and is so confusing that I 'lost' hours late at night trying to find information... I couldn't find out it is a crime or not, how women can act, how women can protect and complaint against these situations.
So I decided I will not be one of those who will not talk. I will not! In fact I will try to help others to relief their pain/trauma.
I know I'm strong and can handle this situations but I have my own limits, and my limits will be doing something to change this.
I would like that more women came forward and act. Got information, took a position against that men so that man would be register as an agressor. This is important....
I've an idea about doing something to help others that got through the same or similar situation and hopefully soon I can tell more about this!
Meanwhile, please don't be scared! Get help, confront that men and never, but never annulated yourself to anyone. Ever.

And if you want to complaint, go to the police, find help in APAV or Public Minister.

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