The Geisha Serie aka Destroying My Reputation, vol. 3/3


"The Geisha Serie aka Destroying My Reputation", vol. 3/3, the final serie!
Love all these pictures, the lights, my posture, the colors…
I know everyone prefer the first set with the kimono… Nevertheless, I feel a stronger connection with this miniserie.

To explain I think I might have to dig a bit for my readers.
It's very easy to post on social media only happy posts, to show only the good moments we have with friends, that perfect beach picture, the night out with friends, etc.
No one shows you the boring life of daily tasks, the constant struggle we all have personally, emotionally even professionally, because no one is completely happy all day long, every single day. Happiness is made from little moments!

This miniserie is - personally - intense! I exposed myself more, I show off my imperfect body, my wrinkles and I don't even tried to hide them. That's why its my favorite! I'm being truth to myself and others.
Another extra point about this miniserie is the fact my back tattoo isn't the star of this pictures! I know everyone love it, I do love it too but I do not want to make it the 'golden piece' all the time!

And enjoy the rest of your day!

Model / Photo Edition - Ana Peres
Photographer - Xsense

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