New year, new resolutions!
Well another year is coming to an end... oh my! This year seems like is flu so fast I barely had the chance to enjoy it!
2017 is around the corner and I have so many plans for it :)
Revisiting my 2016 wish-list, I can see some points are unfinished... You can read the here!
However I feel overall was positive, from 12 wishes I just didn't make numbers 3, 5, 7, 8 and 6 was half completed... Bought the bed not the TV :)
For 2017, I want:
1- Buy a TV (yes, this one is from 2016)
2- Finish to paint my house (yes, another one is from last year)
3- Visit Vienna (already booked);
4- Visit Dublin;
5- Draw more, I really miss it;
6- Learn a new language, maybe spanish or french, not sure yet;
7- Relearn japanese;
8- Learn to dive;
9- Revamp my website;
10- Being more positive about everything;
11- Manage to have more time for myself (yes, this one is the most difficult one);
12- Make para-gliding baptism.
As you can see, most of my 2017 resolution are about learning new things... I love to learn!:D
I hate being stopped, hate inertia... Love being occupied, learning, love to meet new things and places, love movement!
And you people, what do you wish for 2017?
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