DIY: How to transform an old frame into a sophisticated one.


Bem ideia não me faltam... o que geralmente me falta é tempo para concretizar as minhas ideias!
Há bastante tempo que tinha a ideia de transformar uma moldura velha acastanhada numa moldura que gostasse mais e tivesse mais de acordo com o estilo da minha casa.

You will need:
- Old newspaper or magazines;
- Ink in spray;
- Gloves;
- Frame.

Clean the photo frame very well, so it doesn't have dust.
I advice you do try this in a open space where you don't have to worry if you mess up.

Put the frame on top of the newspaper. Spray the frame until, everything is painted. Make sure you follow the instruction of the spray can. And is done!

I just needed 2 minutes and I got myself a brand new photo frame.



If you have old photo frame you don't like much, just use my tips. And please share the picture here.

And enjoy the rest of your day!

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