Prescript: I'm a visionary


Some time ago I wrote here about an idea I had during my design course, which is being produced and I had the same idea 8 years ago. Today I return to this subject... not exactly the same but similar.

On the weekend I went to London, while I was waiting to board, I wondered around the airport shops. Suddenly I saw a jar of honey with small pieces of gold! The jar was exactly the same I design 10 years ago for a product design project -  Dijon mustard gourmet - and I design a jar which could be modular but the shape was sophisticate and bold.
This my idea was severe killed by my teacher, saying never in life some one would produced something like that because people would be paying more due to the weight of the glass!
Well this product is so similar and its being sold at lisbon airport and it cost a lot! And the design is so similar to mine...

Once again, I'm a visionary out of the time.!

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