Recipe: Black Linguini with shrimps


How long did I gave you a recipe? So today I will show you how to cook black linguini with shrimps. Its comfort food, simple and easy to cook and its kind of healthy. You don't need to be a masterchef to do this and spend around 5-6 euros for 2 persons.

But first I will talk you you about Deluxe products from Lidl. If you are not familiar with Deluxe, I will tell you, its amazing! The products are gourmet, very good quality and the best of all cheap! At party everyone seams to love it. I'm a fan of ice cream - specially pistachio ice cream - desserts, but also fresh pastas, sauces and cod fish sausage, this last one you really have to try!
For today’s recipe I had choosen fresh pasta. I bought black linguini at fresh section in Lidl, for a very good price. Black linguini is made with ink from squid and you mad found linguini in another colors like red (spicy spices) or green, for example.

- 250 grs of black linguini
- 200 grs of shrimps
- medium size onion
- Laurel

Start to boil water and put the linguini for 4 minutes.
Chopped the onion and drop a good portion of olive oil into the wok. Add 2 leaves of laurel.
Let the onion cook a bit, and mix the shrimps and put the heat stronger, so everything may cook fast.

Make sure the shrimps fry well and I also mix a bit of the oil from the dry tomatoes, but just the oil!

Tip: you can also add a quarter of lime inside of the wok while the shrimps are being fry, for a fresh touch to this course.

Meanwhile the pasta will be cooked, so put it aside and dry it very well.
When the shrimps are fried, mix the linguini and stir all. I advice you to low the heat, ‘open’ the linguini, let it heat up a bit and take the sauce of the shrimps. And its done! Enjoy!!

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Easy: Very
Cost: Low (less than 10 euros)

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