Lighting effects
Lighting effects it's something that I enjoy and, in my opinion never disappoint.
When issue is a music video with excellent lighting effects and body moviments, the final effect is always, but always overcome and add something to music and video itself. This add can be positive or negative, it's true!
Without wanting minimize music of course, but an good image power really can surprise us.
Body moviment and visual sensitivity that particular image gives us an image of human body wit all weekness and power, but also take us all certainties and provide us with clearance picture that we are just pawns in this world. Photography, ligths and shadows, neutral and dark colours also have a quote in this effect.
I can't find a better way or words to describe what I feel and think when I see, for example, this video from These New Puritans, which beside having a great musical force also can match their videos to their music.
Another video where this relationship between music/video/body moviment/light is well related, in my modest opinion is this video from Junior Boys with 'Bits and Pieces'. Three black persons with body paintings that reacts to dark light! Dance and random moviments just to high ligths light itself and their effects, almost psicadelic effects which once again add something positive to music.
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